The HES Solution

The All In One Renewables Solution

Our commitment to you.

Transparent and quality solutions

Choose HES for a trusted and reliable solar and battery solution. Our team is fully accredited to provide the information you need to make informed decisions. We prioritise efficiency and clear communication throughout the installation process, ensuring minimal disruption and high-quality workmanship before, during, and after installation.

Hereford-based renewable energy solution

Start with a survey

At HES, we understand that every property and power usage is unique. While we can provide guidelines, nothing beats the accuracy of a site visit. Our team will methodically review your roof and power consumption to gather data and calculate accurate solar and battery options tailored to your needs.

Comprehensive quotes

Our survey captures valuable data fed into nationally recognised software to project your property’s likely electricity generation from solar panels. With this information and a review of your previous power consumption, we can provide transparent quote information to help you assess costs, returns, and payback intervals. We believe in providing information in plain English and are always available to explain any further details you may need.

  • The cost of solar panels and/or battery storage plus installation
  • The projected energy generation compared with your average usage
  • Estimated payback and ongoing maintenance options
HES team meeting

Installation solution

Planned installation

At HES, we provide a complete service where trained personnel install and maintain your system. We understand the inconvenience of having scaffolding in place, and we prioritise careful planning and sharing time plans with you to minimise disruption. You can count on our pledge to deliver timely and efficient installations without unnecessary delays.

  • All Health & Safety, Risk Assessments, and Method Statements are issued ahead of work commencement.
  • Outline plan with step-by-step installation dates for all works
  • Personal handover on completion so you are confident and comfortable with your new system

Ongoing monitoring and maintenance

At HES, we understand that you want your solar and battery solution to work efficiently and with longevity. That is why we offer a comprehensive maintenance package. Our team provides regular check-ups and maintenance to ensure optimal performance throughout the year, giving you peace of mind and prolonging the life of your system.

  • HES 24/7 monitoring to pick up any unexpected system performance dropoff
  • Annual or 6 monthly scheduled panel cleaning
  • Ongoing software upgrades to ensure your system runs at peak efficiency
Renewable Energy Solution and monitoring app